Community Asset transfer requests have been submitted by the Crail Community Partnership for Bow Butts Park, Kilminning South and Pinkerton Triangle. Please follow the link to help you write a letter of support it is important that as many people as possible express their support for this initiative.
Brief details are below:
Bow Butts Park – The proposed use of the land is to create a larger nature reserve at Denburn Wood to promote ecosystem services including biodiversity, recreation and environmental education.
Kilminning South – The proposed use of the land/building is to create and expand a wildlife habitat on the site to complement the existing Kilminning nature reserve with a view to making it accessible for the local community and visitors.
Pinkerton Triangle – The proposed use of the land/building is to create a permanent and enhanced wildlife area, extending the managed wildflower grassland and promote ecosystem services including biodiversity, recreation and environmental education.
We are surprised to see a 'linking path to reinstate' identified in the latest image which was not on any of the earlier plans or the Final report. There has never been a path running along the back of our property. The right of way, ploughed up years ago, ran between our property, Damside, and the road. We have had no direct consultation about this, and seriously object to this proposal.