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The Strategy report summarises the outcomes of the second round of workshops of the three stage Crail Charrette which took place in Crail Community Hall in February 2019. These second workshops sought the community’s views on draft strategies which were prepared by the Charrette Team in response to the key issues which were identified in the initial visioning workshops in May 2018.

The engagement events and initatves which formed part of the Workshop 2 stage included:

  • A public Charrette workshop held on Saturday 9 February attended by 84 people – this was the main focus of this phase of the charrette.

  • An additional Charrette workshop held on the evening of Wednesday 13 February, attended by approximately 50 people, with a particular focus on local businesses

  • A Charrette drop-in centre, facilitated by Crail Community Partnership (CCP), in the Town Hall in the weeks leading up to these workshops.

  • A community survey, organised by the CCP, which was completed by over 240 people at the time of writing this report.

  • Complementary engagement activity and publicity including visits to local groups, online engagement via a dedicated Facebook page, contact with local schools, and regular weekly artcles in ‘Crail Matters’.

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