We are very pleased to be able to announce that last Thursday the Fife Council Assets Committee approved CCP's applications for ownership of Bow Butts Park, the Pinkerton Triangle and South Kilminning (including the nature reserve). A process of legal transfer now has to be undertaken; further details will be published as they become available.
The FC decision committee ".....congratulated the organisation for their excellent applications and hoped that more organisations would come forward with these type of proposals."
To help us fund these asset transfers we will be pursuing crowdfunding initiatives. These will start in the coming weeks. We will keep you informed when these go live.
If you follow the link below you will see more on the Wild Crail Walks Network plans.
If you have any questions regarding this process please send them to crailcommunitypartnership@gmail.com and we will try to address them in future articles in Crail Matters.
Thank you for your support, Dennis Gowans, Secretary, Crail Community Partnership